sexta-feira, 6 de março de 2009

about Dharma

Dharma and Jnana (right conduct and spiritual wisdom) are two eyes given to man to discover his Divinity. Dharma indicates the right path which every individual, group or society should follow.
Dharma destroys the one who violates it, and protects the one who protects it. The scriptures have declared, "Where there is Dharma, there is Victory". There is no Dharma greater than Truth. The edifice of Dharma is erected on the foundation of Truth.

Nyaya (justice) is an essential attribute of Dharma. An individual, society or nation shines with glory only when justice is adhered to. Just as one acquires wealth by the pursuit of one's profession, one must acquire merit and Divine Grace by adhering to Neethi (morality) and Dharma.

Bhagavan Sathya Saibaba
special thanks to my soulbrother Many Kutty, who sent me this wise thougt

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